Your Fall Auto Repair Checklist

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To be certain that your car is ready to hit the road this fall and winter, our team has put together a fall auto repair checklist.

Be Ready for Your NH State Inspection

nh state inspection

If you’re a car owner in New Hampshire, getting your car inspected is essential to maintaining its safety and roadworthiness. But before you take your car in for a NH state inspection, there are a few things you should know.

How to Tell If You Need Clutch Repair

car repair near me

Many drivers prefer to drive cars with manual transmissions because the repairs are simpler, and there are fewer things that can go wrong. But that doesn’t mean that you’ll never need car repair just because you drive stick.

Keep Your Car Toasty Warm This Winter

mechanic manchester nh

Driving on days when it’s bitterly cold is a fact of life in New England. As much as we’d prefer to stay in the house where it’s warm on the coldest days, sometimes that’s just not an option. On those very cold days when you have to get in your car, you want to know that your heater will work and keep you warm while you drive.